A multi-channel product that addresses the need for water quality testing, focusing on providing users with a reliable and accessible means to assess the safety of their drinking water. This is achieved through our design of a physical tester and a complementary digital app. The device tests for turbidity, dissolved solids, pH, and bacteria while the accompanying mobile app enhances the overall product experience. Sampl offers a holistic approach to empower users in understanding and ensuring the safety of their drinking water.


Product Design
Industrial Design
Brand Identity





A Multidisciplinary approach to water quality awareness


Provide an accessible way to test and observe water quality through a physical and digital product system. We envision a future where anyone can test their water and understand the results in the context of their local area. The product must be applicable for three distinct users: the everyday consumer, the traveler/tourist, and those afflicted by natural disaster.


Compact structure
Intuitive use
Organic form
Dishwasher safe
Easy to transport

The onset of our product development was filled with form exploration and indecision, we spent two weeks deliberating as we defined the specific use cases for our device. The first being average consumer countertop usage, allowing the user to test their home's water. Second, for travelers to ensure their accommodation's water is safe. Lastly, disaster relief as the device would give individuals affected by natural disasters the ability to test independently, without relying on the analyses of the first responders.

Our final prototype for the tester device consisted of three essential sections: the frame, sensor compartment, and water drawer. The frame housed the electronics including the battery pack, Arduino, and exterior LED strip. To use the prototype the user simply fills the drawer with water, inserts it into the device, and presses the button. The sliding sensor compartment is then lowered to immerse the sensor into the water and moments later the LED strip indicates the test result: green for safe and red for unsafe.

the mobile experience of sampl

Despite the app's straightforward purpose, serving as a supplementary product to the tester, the ideation for the application began with a site map and handrawn wireframes. These were utilized throughout the production of the lo-fi and hi-fi wireframes, offering a clear blueprint to ensure organized navigation and a user-friendly structure.

While creating our the wireframes we engaged in productive critique's with classmates about our designs; ensuring that the final lo-fi choices would need minimal iteration once we converted them to hi-fi. After many rounds of testing, discussion, and updating, this proved to be the most time consuming aspect of the app's design process.

With the lo-fis finished, only minor tweaks were made as we increased the fidelity of our designs. Next, after prototyping the MVP, completing more rounds user testing, and adding final touches we had finished. Content with our water quality tester, its companion mobile application, and their collective branding, we presented our final design.

FROM PRODUCT TO BRAND: crafting the visual IDENTITY of sampl

As we approached the branding of Sampl the main objective would be to keep the visual language simple and straightforward to maintain consistency with the mission of our device and application. Thus, our logomark held the form of a water droplet and our logotype incorporated a faucet. While the logotype would represent the product system in marketing collateral and packaging, the mark is utilized as the button of our tester in the final iteration.


A functional tester prototype capable of testing for turbidity and bacteria levels within 100 mL of water. In addition to a companion app prototype featuring a regional water quality radar, resources for water quality awareness, and personal device statistics.