This synopsis of my work for Spectrum Magazine focuses on the journey to fully transform the website and a display of selected spread designs from various editions. The website redesign has already led to a significant increase in magazine submissions, site visits, and membership. Beyond web and magazine design, I have expanded the brand identity, created social media content, and produced marketing collateral.


Graphic Design
Design Strategy







reinventing the digital FACE of our creative community


The Spectrum website redesign aimed to capture the vibrancy and creativity of our community. Our mission prioritized improving the submission process, fostering inclusivity, and enhancing organizational visibility.

We began by mapping out the flow of the site, organizing a new information architecture. While it is a simple site, establishing set locations for our content vastly sped up the design process and establishes a foundation for future expansion.

Next, we began building lo-fis of each page following brand guidelines while simultaneously defining a holistic design system for all future digital assets. From there we moved directly into designing in Wix as we understood that specifics of our hi-fidelity vision would be restricted by the web builder.


Four months after deployment, the redesign has already yielded exciting results, with a 36% increase in site visits and a 27% boost in submissions. Our strategic overhaul emphasized our community and submissions, utilizing visually striking art to craft a compelling aesthetic. Additionally, we officially defined our ui design system, ensuring a refined and intuitive user experience. Most importantly, I can confidently say that our website accurately represents the soul of Spectrum.

NORTheastern university's OFFICIAL literary arts magazine

The design team creates a unique edition three times per year, curating the submissions received from the Northeastern community. We accept poetry, prose, art, and photography year-round and divide our submissions into three seasons: Spring, Summer, and Fall. With each new edition I aim to expand my design skills, exploring new avenues for expressive spread design.